Fifty years ago, not far from here, a developer looked at Fauquier’s lush, rolling hills and forests and foresaw 10,000 houses. A coalition that became Citizens for Fauquier County rose in opposition to a development that would have changed Fauquier forever.
CFFC has been the guardian of Fauquier’s controlled growth and rural agricultural character. We’ve made history, and we’ve saved history, too. Consider how our county might look had CFFC’s volunteers not come forward:
An 84-foot dam would have risen above Cedar Run, destroying wetlands, disrupting agriculture and inviting development
A uranium mine would scar our land and threaten the water supply
The Comprehensive Plan would have made way for three times today’s population
Traffic would be heavier, highways would be wider and billboards would proliferate
Light from fast-food signs and strip malls would swallow up the stars
Taxes would jump to pay for more schools, roads and pubic safety personnel
For a half-century we have been advocates for the land and farmers of Fauquier County. Our work is guided by commitment to thoughtful, planned growth and protection of our environment.
We believe in the conservation of our rich agricultural assets and clean air, pure water and dark nighttime skies.
We believe our history - villages, farms, landmarks - should be carefully preserved.
We believe in the power of responsive and transparent government.
Please join us in protecting Fauquier’s future.

A blog about timely conservation issues.
Telling the CFFC Story:
The First 50 Years
Warrenton First Fridays
Learn About Conservation
Another conservation-minded Fauquier resident signed up to learn about CFFC on a night when hundreds of people strolled Main Street Warrenton during the town’s First Friday event. The CFFC tent attracted the curious and the committed, as well as school children who learned that conservation includes habitat for Butterflies. The First Friday events run through October.