4P FoodRecognizing its commitment to support agriculture, CFFC made a significant contribution in 2020 to the Mid-Atlantic Food Resilience and Access Coalition, an organization spearheaded by Warrenton-based food hub 4P Foods that connects food assistance providers with healthy and sustainably raised products from a network of local and regional farms. 4P’s network includes the following farms in Fauquier:
Messick’s Farm
Whiffletree Farm
Living Pastures Farm
Superfood Farm
Berry Simple Farm
Farms that sell their products to 4P receive $.60 of every dollar versus $.15 from food sold in conventional stores. Through CFFC’s donation, 4P partnered with Fauquier Community Child Care and other organizations to distribute tens of thousands of meals sourced from local farmers and prepared by local restaurants to those in need.
At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic was accelerating, traditional food supply channels were challenged, and more people were faced with food insecurity, CFFC decided that this contribution in support of 4P’s farmer-friendly operation made great sense.
4P Foods

In 2015 in anticipation of a new board of supervisors in Fauquier, CFFC completed an extensive study, Planning Horizons, that provided CFFC’s strategic vision for the county and related policy recommendations. It was prepared to help a newly elected board make decisions in the interests of a healthy environment with clean air and water in a landscape of farms, forests, and open space while sustaining a strong agricultural, industrial and commercial economy.
Regarding agriculture, Planning Horizons advocated for:
County initiatives which encourage creation of regional or local infrastructure that can process cattle and other agricultural products;
County actions that preserve and protect the character of our rural life with a thriving agricultural production community (e.g., farms, equine and wineries);
Support the county’s Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) Program with its farmland focus.
Planning Horizons, which looked out many years, is a great example of how CFFC works hard to bring thoughtful solutions to elected and other officials to preserve the county’s future.
Planning Horizons
Buy Local, Buy Fresh

During these unprecedented times of people not being able to get the staples they want and need. Living in Fauquier County, we have plenty of small businesses and farms able to provide what we need. Having resources like this is a win-win situation for all. We have the fruits, vegetables, meats, beer, wine and other essentials we need and in return we are helping our neighbors that own these small businesses. Please click on the photo to see the full document. Remember - Buy Fresh Buy Local.