Donate to CFFC on Give Local Piedmont
By Amy Trotto, CFFC Vice President
May 7 is Give Local Piedmont day, and CFFC is participating for the first time. Established in 2014 and hosted by the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation, Give Local Piedmont is the community’s one-day, online giving event to inspire people to give generously to the nonprofit organizations that are making our communities better. Every dollar donated from midnight to midnight on May 7 will be increased with money generously provided by the PATH Foundation and other sponsors.
To show we are 100 percent committed to working for our community to preserve our resources and protect Fauquier County’s future, we are seeking 100 percent participation in Give Local Piedmont from our volunteer board of directors. CFFC’s board consists of 21 members from diverse backgrounds – including farmers, business owners, communications professionals, attorneys, a volunteer firefighter, and former county supervisors, planning commissioners, town council members and county employees. All are passionate about protecting Fauquier’s natural beauty and rural, agricultural heritage.
The ultimate goal of Give Local Piedmont is to raise money to support each non-profit’s mission – and that goal is very important to us. Funding fuels our initiatives, and we have several new ones planned for 2019, to include a historic resource project in Southern Fauquier County, a milkweed planting and educational campaign to help restore habitats for the Monarch Butterfly, assistance with the creation of riparian buffers, in addition to our non-stop monitoring and informing the community of emerging development, agricultural and environmental issues.
Funding also validates our mission. Through your participation, we are reminded of the people we serve, of our shared commitment to the preservation and protection of our towns, battlefields, historic villages, cropland, rolling pastures and open spaces. You may participate with a starting donation of $10.00, so please, save the date and give generously to protect Fauquier’s future.